The 5 Most Popular Ways to Earn Free Bitcoin in 2021

Farhan Tahir
3 min readMar 2, 2021

I’m not in the least surprised by this mad rush because the concept of truly decentralized, borderless, and uncensored digital money is revolutionary and deserves this attention. Now more than ever, viralonline4u people around the world have appreciated the power of Bitcoin.

Some ways to get Bitcoin are better than others, while others are even worse than scams. That is why today, viralonline4u we are going to discuss some of the legitimate and low barriers to entryways to earn Bitcoin.

Top 5 Ways to Work to Earn Bitcoin (Free)

1. CoinTiply

Cointiply is a Bitcoin rewards website to earn free bitcoins. Cointiply gives you tasks that anyone could perform,viralonline4u and for every completed task, you end up accumulating bitcoins.

This is a completely free, viralonline4u website and once you are registered you can find many questionnaires, surveys, viralonline4u, and other tasks tailored to your age and location.

Of course, it is a slow process, viralonline4u but if you really want to earn Bitcoin free this is the way to go.

2. Coinbase Earn

Coinbase Earn is an educational initiative of the popular US-based crypto exchange called Coinbase.

This is how Coinbase Ear works

You can then exchange this crypto for Bitcoin using a Coinbase account, or continue to hold the same currency.

3. Get Bitcoin from one of these websites

These are some of the most trusted websites to get Bitcoin. The best part is that they provide you with a Bitcoin wallet address and you can store or spend Bitcoin directly from these wallets.

  • Binance
  • CEX

I am a huge fan of CEX as they offer a great mobile app for Android and iOS. You can quickly get Bitcoin of any amount you choose.

4. Buy and earn Bitcoins for free

This is by far one of the fastest ways you can earn free bitcoin when you spend money online. With Bitrefill or Lolli, viralonline4u which is a crypto rewards app, you can earn Bitcoins for your usual online expenses. Lolli is compatible with all the major online retail stores and this is something that you and your family can use on a regular basis and accumulate a decent amount of Bitcoins.

To get started, this is what you need to do

Now, as long as you shop online at any of the 500+ partner stores, you will get free Bitcoins.

I’ve been using Lolli for a while, viralonline4u, and this is what I’ve gained from Bitcoin:

5. Works for Bitcoin

Working for Bitcoin is one of the easiest and most legitimate ways to earn it. Whether you’re an engineer, designer, writer, singer, translator, editor, viralonline4u internet marketer, freelancer, or developer, you can start working for Bitcoin right now. There are numerous platforms and websites that offer you bitcoins in exchange for their service.

Some of these platforms are

